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Table 5 Presence of high need for recovery (NFR) and burnout symptoms (BURNOUT) by considered factor

From: Factors associated with poor mental health during mandatory home work: a cross-sectional study in university staff




n (%)

n (%)

age category


 < 45 yr.

161 (40.4)

97 (21.6)

 ≥ 45 yr.

63 (33.5)

32 (17.3)




69 (30.3)**

36 (16.4)


185 (42.7)**

93 (22.4)

professional status


 academic staff tenured

45 (42.1)

20 (19.4)

 academic staff untenured

68 (38.9)

33 (19.5)

 PhD students

43 (39.4)

22 (21.2)

 non-academic staff tenured

40 (40.0)

17 (17.7)

 non-academic staff untenured

58 (34.1)

37 (22.7)

work-private life balance



102 (24.1)***

54 (12.7)***


126 (65.6)***

70 (36.5)***

taking care of ill or old people



31 (31.6)

21 (21.4)


197 (38.0)

103 (19.9)

family member at risk for Coronavirus



54 (34.8)

34 (21.9)


174 (37.7)

90 (19.5)

number of children < 12yrs. at home



139 (34.8)

84 (21.1)


35 (41.2)

14 (16.5)


42 (40.8)

18 (17.5)

 ≥ 3

12 (41.4)

8 (27.6)

quiet place to work



165 (31.9)***

89 (17.2)***


63 (64.3)***

35 (35.7)***

worried about short-term work situation


 to a very small extent

49 (22.2)***

18 (8.1)***

 to a small extent

65 (37.1)***

29 (16.6)***


66 (47.1)***

40 (28.6)***

 to a large extent


21 (41.2)***

 to a very large extent

21 (72.4)***

16 (55.2)***

worried about long-term work situation


 to a very small extent

33 (18.4)***

14 (7.8)***

 to a small extent

54 (32.9)***

21 (12.8)***


70 (46.4)***

35 (23.2)***

 to a large extent

44 (55.0)***

32 (40.0)***

 to a very large extent

27 (64.3)***

22 (52.4)***

worries easily discussable with supervisor


 to a very small extent

31 (52.5)***

22 (37.3)***

 to a small extent

40 (50.0)***

21 (26.3)***


73 (42.4)***

45 (26.2)***

 to a large extent

64 (29.9)***

30 (14.0)***

 to a very large extent

20 (22.0)***

6 (6.6)***

  1. * p < 0.05 ** p < 0.01 *** p < 0.001