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Table 4 Logistic regression model investigating the relationship between abnormal morphology count and abnormally high basal estradiol

From: The relationship between reproductive outcome measures in DDT exposed malaria vector control workers: a cross-sectional study

Variable (unit)

Odds ratio (CI)*

Abnormally low semen morphology (score < 2)

Abnormally high basal estradiol (< 100 pg/ml)

37.2 (2.1–655.2)

Age (years)

1.1 (0.96–1.4)

Abstinence (days)

0.98 (0.96–1.0)

Fever in the last 2 months

14.8 (0.8–273.2)

Physical abnormality

0.4 (0.02–8.5)

R2 = 0.4, n = 32

  1. • CI : 95% Confidence interval