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Table 1 Proportions of subjects with MenC serum bactericidal antibody titres ≥8/≥128, MenC serum bactericidal antibody geometric mean titres with 95% confidence intervals, anti-MenC IgG geometric mean concentration with 95% confidence intervals, anti-PRP Hib IgG geometric mean concentration with 95% confidence intervals and proportions of subjects with anti-PRP Hib IgG ≥ 0.15/≥1.00 μg/mL before and following vaccination with Hib/MenC-TT

From: Evaluation of the safety and immunogenicity in United Kingdom laboratory workers of a combined Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningococcal capsular group C conjugate vaccine



Following vaccination

rSBA GMT (95% CI)

151.2 (52.2 – 437.9)

454.3 (200.9 – 1027.3)

N (%) with rSBA titres ≥8

23/29 (79%)

28/29 (97%)

N (%) with rSBA titres ≥128

19/29 (66%)

24/29 (83%)

MenC IgG GMC (95% CI) μg/mL

4.3 (2.1 – 8.8)

6.6 (3.3 – 13.1)

N (%) with anti-PRP Hib IgG concentrations ≥ 0.15 μg/mL

18/29 (62%)

29/29 (100%)

N (%) with anti-PRP Hib IgG concentrations ≥ 1.00 μg/mL

9/29 (31%)

28/29 (97%)

Anti-PRP Hib IgG GMC (95% CI) μg/mL

0.23 (0.09 – 0.60)

50.69 (24.28 – 105.84)