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Table 6 Summary of control measures under the Montreal Protocol - Annex E - Group I: Methyl bromide

From: Health risks in international container and bulk cargo transport due to volatile toxic compounds

Non-Article 5(1) Parties

Article 5(1) Parties (developing countries)

Base level:


Base level:

Average of 1995-98


January 1, 1995.


January 1, 2002.

25 per cent: reduction

January 1, 1999.

20 per cent: reduction

January 1, 2005.

50 per cent: reduction

January 1, 2001.

100 per cent: reduction

January 1, 2015 (with possible critical use exemptions).

70 per cent: reduction

January 1, 2003.


100 per cent: reduction

January 1, 2005 (with possible critical use exemptions).

  1. Applicable to production and consumption, amounts used for quarantine and pre-shipment applications exempted.