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Table 2 Organization of consultation hours

From: Psychosocial demands and resources for working time organization in GP practices. Results from a team-based ethnographic study in Germany


Quote number


Long consultation hours

Quote 1

“We are open on [three days per week] non-stop from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. That is 30 h already. And on two other days we are open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. That is another ten hours, so that is 40 h in total. And you have seen: the practice door always opens at 7:30 a.m. If you add the 2 ½ hours, the opening hours are 42 ½ hours. […] So we are open 42 ½ hours, and that is why [the physicians] have divided the working time accordingly, because nobody wants to be here for the whole 42 ½ hours.” (Interview with GP, group practice 3)

High frequency of patients

Quote 2

“Patients are narrowly clocked during the so-called acute consultation hour. The staff sways busily between the rooms. The concerns of the patients are oftentimes the same and it feels to me like a continuous loop. The computer and the list of the patients predetermine the time and cause stress, especially shortly before the transition to the appointment consultation hour. PrA 4 explains to me, that sonography appointments have to be kept on the dot, ‘or it will cause trouble.” (observation protocol, group practice 1)