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Table 1 Keywords used in the research strategy on shift work using the Scopus database for the period from 2012 – to 2021

From: Analysis and mapping of global research publications on shift work (2012–2021)



Keywords and limitations



Title search

(title (“night shift* work*” or “night-shift* work*” or (“night job*” and shift*) or “late night work*” or “nightshift work*” or “rotating shift” or “late evening shift*” or “late evening work*” or (“night work*” and shift*) or (“evening work*” and shift) or “rotating shift*” or rotating-shift* or “alternating work*” or alternating-work* or (“non day work*” and shift*) or (“non-day-work*” and shift*) or “shift work*”)) or ((title (night and work* and shift*) or title (night and job and shift*) or title (shift* and work*) or title (shift* and *hour* and work*) or title (*shift*) or title (*work* and sleep* and hour*)) and title-abs (“night shift*” or “shift work*” or “rotating shift*” or “shiftwork*” or “work shift” or “alternating shift”))



Title/Abstract search with restrictions

(TITLE-ABS (“night shift*” OR “shift work*” OR “rotating shift*” OR “shiftwork*” OR “shift work” OR “work shift” OR (alternating AND shift) OR “rotating shift”)) AND TITLE (schedul* OR “occupational safety” OR “circadian synchr*” OR “working time arrangement*” OR “work” OR “working” OR shift OR night OR (sleep AND deprivation) OR “circadian disruption” OR “circadian misalignment” OR (circadian AND dysregulation) OR (circadian AND disruption) OR (circadian AND *alignment) OR (circadian AND disturbance*))



Inclusion and Exclusion

1. Time: 2012–2021

2. Source type: journal documents only

3. Document type: all types excluding errata

4. Language limitation: None

5. Publication stage: finally published (i.e “article in press” were excluded)

6. Exclusion: experimental studies on animals, cultured cells, or plants



Overall research strategy

Steps (1 OR 2) AND step 3