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Table 4 Lung function of control participants (2 study points)

From: Occupational exposure to ultrafine particles in police officers: no evidence for adverse respiratory effects


Timepoint 0

Timepoint 1

VC (L)

5.0 ± 0.9

5.1 ± 0.8

VC (%)

90.1 ± 13.4

92.6 ± 12.8

FEV1 (L)

4.2 ± 0.8

4.1 ± 0.5

FEV1 (%)

92.8 ± 17.0

91.15 ± 10.1

MEF50 (L/s)

2.4 ± 0.7

2.4 ± 0.7

MEF50 (%)

90.0 ± 11.9

87.1 ± 29.2

MEF25 (L/s)

1.7 ± 0.3

1.7 ± 0.3

MEF25 (%)

72.3 ± 36.8

69.2 ± 26.8

  1. Data expressed in mean ± standard deviation
  2. VC vital capacity, FEV 1 forced expiratory volume in one second, MEF 50 maximum expiratory flow at 50% of forced VC, MEF 25 maximum expiratory flow at 25% of forced VC