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Table 1 List and description of back scan parameters

From: Comparison between the musician-specific seating position of high string bow players and their habitual seating position – a video raster stereographic study of the dorsal upper body posture

Spine parameter

 Trunk length D (TLD) (mm)

Spatial distance between the markers VP and DM

 Trunk length S (TLS) (mm)

Spatial distance between the markers VP and SP

 Sagittal trunk decline (STD) (°)

Inclination of the trunk length D marked line from the perpendicular to the sagittal plane.

Tilt ventrally (negative values) = flexion

Tilt dorsally (positive values) = extension

 Frontal trunk decline (FTD) (°)

Inclination of the trunk length D marked line from the perpendicular to the frontal plane.

Tilt anteriorly (negative values) = possible lordosis

Tilt dorsally (positive values) = possible kyphosis

 Axis decline (AD) (°)

Deviation of the line of the area marked by the trunk length D line of the 90° rotated distance DL-DR

➔decline between upper body and pelvis

 Thoracic bending angle (TBA) (°)

Deviation of the distance VP - KA from the perpendicular

 Lumbar bending angle (LBA) (°)

Deviation of the distance KA - LA from the perpendicular

 Standard deviation lateral deviation (SDLD) (mm)

Root mean squared deviation of the median line of the distance VP - DM

 Maximal lateral deviation (MLD) (mm)

Maximum deviation of the median line of the distance VP - DM

Negative values = deviation to the left

Positive values = deviation to the right

 Standard deviation rotation (SDR) (°)

Root mean square deviation of surface rotation of the median line (torsion of the spinous processes of the spine)

 Maximal rotation (MR) (°)

Maximum positive or negative surface rotation on the median line

 Kyphosis angle (KA) (°)

In the sagittal plane measured angle between the upper inflection point of the spine at the thoracolumbar and VP inflection point IP; point of greatest negative surface decline

 Lordosis angle (LA) (°)

Angle between the inflection point at DM and the thoracolumbar inflection point IP

Pelvis parameter

 Pelvis distance (PD) (mm)

Spatial distance between SIPS L and SIPS R.

 Pelvis height (PH) (°)

Decline of the connecting line between SIPS L and SIPS R to the horizontal in the frontal plane in degrees

 Pelvis height (mm)

Decline of the connecting line between SIPS L and SIPS R to the horizontal in the frontal plane in millimeter

 Pelvis torsion (°)

Angle between the surface normal on the two dimples SIPS L and SIPS R

Negative differential angle = Normal at point SIPS L is stronger upward as at point SIPS R

Positive difference angle = Normal at point SIPS L is stronger downward as at point SIPS R.

 Pelvis rotation (°)

Rotation of the distance SIPS L – SIPS R in the transversal plane

Shoulder parameter

 Scapular distance (SDI) (mm)

Distance between the left (AISL) and the lower right scapular angle (AISR).

 Scapular height (SH) (°)

Height difference between the points AISL and AISR

Positive value = AISR higher than AISL

Negative value = AISR deeper than AISL

 Scapular rotation (SR) (°)

Rotation of the distance DL-DR in the transversal plane

 Scapular angle left (SAL) (°) / Scapula angle right (SAR) (°)

Best fit straight line on the shoulders to the horizontal. The center point of the regression line is set vertically above AISL / AISR. The greater the angle, the more caudally located the shoulder.