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Table 1 Description of the sample (n = 887)

From: Desired improvements of working conditions among medical assistants in Germany: a cross-sectional study



Age, mean (standard deviation)

39.3 (11.4)

 18–35, n (%)

264 (30.1)

 36–45, n (%)

312 (35.5)

  ≥ 46, n (%)

302 (34.0)

Female, n (%)

865 (98.4)

Marital status, n (%)

 In a partnership

445 (50.7)


433 (49.3)

Highest school degree, n (%)


52 (5.9)


653 (74.6)


170 (19.4)

Gross salary (€), n (%)

  ≤ 1499

291 (33.6)


216 (24.9)

  ≥ 2000

360 (41.5)

Years in job, mean (SD)

17.3 (11.3)

Years in job, n (%)


293 (35.1)


236 (28.3)

  ≥ 21

305 (36.6)

Practice type, n (%)

 General practitioner

345 (47.7)


379 (52.3)

Employment status, n (%)


510 (59.2)


351 (40.8)

Leadership position (yes), n (%)

421 (48.0)

Number of MAs in the employing practice, n (%)


288 (34.6)


317 (38.1)

  ≥ 7

227 (27.3)

Number of practitioners in the employing practice, n (%)


262 (31.5)


250 (30.0)

  ≥ 3

320 (38.5)

Practice size, mean (SD)

8.98 (5.36)

Practice location, n (%)

 Large city

343 (38.9)

 Small city

370 (42.0)

 Rural area

168 (19.1)

  1. aLow: secondary modern school qualification (‘Haupt−/Volksschulabschluss’)
  2. bintermediate: secondary school level I certificate (‘Mittlere Reife’)
  3. chigh: general qualification for university entrance (‘Abitur’) or entrance qualification limited to universities of applied sciences (‘Fachhochschulreife’)